The basic premise is true. The DT 240 S–RR 440—Super Comp wheel IS a super light race wheel. But because of the better quality components and build, using the DT Tension meter, this wheel is good for everyday use as well. Even crazy light carbon tubular wheels are useable, but because carbon is likely to break dramatically in common impacts with the road, they are not very safe and are very expensive to replace.

stacks_image_123My problem with the low weight aero is that it encourages a kind of “mania” that the industry is pushing. The curmudgeon view point is that having a 14 pound bike with 1000 gram wheels is pointless because with a 180 pound engine (rider) the percentage of weight and aero difference is meaningless.

Well-designed wheels are only as heavy and complicated as they need to be to do the job. The rest is smoke and mirrors.

At the moment, the quest for a high performance bicycle is too obsessed with “small”. Super light and aero dynamics are important and easy to get the mind around, but they are only a “small” part of the quest.

I would suggest starting with having your body fitted to the bike by a trained person, a skill which is fortunately not too difficult now. However, the best person to do the fitting may not be the person fitting you to a bike they are trying to sell you! The most important part of going far and fast is getting the most out of the engine (rider). The human engine is completely unique in size and shape, so “small, medium and large” doesn’t always work. For instance, the seat, tube angle, and saddle set back is determined by the ratio of the upper leg length to the lower leg length. Getting this right allows you to determine the correct gear ratios and RPMs to get the most out of your engine.